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Over the last five years, Healthy Learners Greenwood has provided continued service to a 12-year-old girl with special needs related to dwarfism. She was recommended to Healthy Learners Greenwood in the first grade, but her family was familiar with the program since her three siblings received services in previous years.

The young girl initially received dental care services via Healthy Learners, but the school nurse soon identified other concerns after a failed vision screening led to her needing prescription glasses. With other issues arising, such as behavior problems in the classroom and respiratory issues from allergies, her teacher referred her to our staff for additional health screenings. Our Student Services Coordinator, Ms. Alice, also took notice and reached out to the young girl’s father to understand more about her personality and learning style.

Already receiving dental and vision services, Ms. Alice continued to accompany her to all doctor appointments to facilitate visits and serve as a liaison between her father, the school nurse, and teacher. These regular trips in the Healthy Learners van led to many conversations and giggles about sibling rivalries, television shows, and favorite toys. Over the years, Ms. Alice’s familiarity with the young girl grew and she was able to provide insight to teachers on her background and her home life with its struggles.

Now a 6th-grade student, she has a blossoming relationship with Ms. Alice, and eagerly waits for her next doctor’s appointment so that she can enjoy a special ride in the Healthy Learners van with her friend. “This child truly has a place in my heart,” said Ms. Alice after a van ride from the eye doctor.

What started as a normal service for Healthy Learners Greenwood staff developed into a formative relationship; Ms. Alice and our staff at Healthy Learners Greenwood are honored to be able to form lasting relationships with students in our communities, help them attain healthcare and ultimately be successful in school.

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