Lowcountry Bright Future…

Healthy Learners Lowcountry has been serving Allendale County for over 15 years and is truly an embedded member of this rural community. Our staff live, raise their families, attend church and community events in the Lowcountry. These community connections are what helped staff at Healthy Learners Lowcountry provide glasses to a third grader at Allendale Elementary.

At the beginning of the school year, a 9-year-old girl failed her vision screening and was referred to Healthy Learners for a full eye exam. Although she was referred by the school nurse, she lacked proper parent consent to receive this treatment by an optometrist. Staff at Healthy Learners Lowcountry did not let this deter them from helping the young child. Staff leaned on their community connections to work with the school nurse and contact the parent to get consent and schedule an appointment within 24 hours. During communication with the parent, the staff learned the child was also experiencing headaches at home.

The following week, Healthy Learners Lowcountry staff transported the young girl to her vision appointment and informed the optometrist of her failed screening and headaches. Once the eye exam was completed, the doctor stated the child had myopia in both of her eyes and would need to wear glasses daily. Myopia, commonly referred to as nearsightedness, causes blurred vision and eye strain which contributed to the frequent headaches the young girl was experiencing. This new diagnosis didn’t break her spirits, instead, she was excited to pick out her very own pair of glasses. The staff helped her pick out the perfect color and frame so she would feel confident when she returned to school.

Now with glasses to help her read the smart board in her classroom she is able to focus on her schoolwork without wondering what the board says. We are humbled to be able to provide students with tools they need to succeed in school – even if it’s as simple as a pair of glasses. Our commitment to this community and removing children’s health barriers to learning will always be our priority.

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